David A. Goldstein Co., L.P.A., Represents Survivors of Police Brutality

The law offices of David A. Goldstein, Co., L.P.A., represents people whose civil rights have been violated by the police. David A. Goldstein represented an African-American male who was the survivor of police brutality and violations of his civil rights. On August 9, 2012, at 11:45 p.m., at least five City of Columbus police officers were involved in the physical attack and hog-tie of the Plaintiff without justification. As a result of this attack, the Plaintiff sustained injuries.
Mr. Goldstein obtained a jury verdict in federal court, whereby the jury determined that a Columbus police officer involved in the attack used excessive force. The jury awarded money damages to the victim.
In addition, David A. Goldstein, Co., L.P.A., has represented other individuals whose rights have been violated by police officers, including dancers at Kahoots and the Kahoots establishment.
If a police officer has assaulted you or someone you know, or if you believe that your civil rights have been violated, please call the law offices of David A. Goldstein Co., L.P.A., at 614-222-1889 for a free consultation.